<Blessings> <Obedience>
Yesterday was an interesting one. At church there was a really inspiring speaker that talked about blessings. I’m always trying to get blessings. And his talk helped me understand the how in the question, “how do I get blessings?”
Blessings come first and foremost by obedience to law. D&C 130:20-21 “There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven, before the foundation of the world, upon which all blessings are predicated- And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated. Sooo… obedience is the pathway to blessings.
Sometimes I’m a little hard-shelled and will start to think,”well isn’t God all powerful? Won’t he give me blessings anyway just because he loves me?” while God loves us, that doesn’t change His eternal laws. God is waiting for us to make good choices and obey so that He can bless us!
It’s definitely a good idea to go ahead and talk to your Father in Heaven. Ask for blessings, “What do I need to do today to gain the blessings waiting for me?”